Credit-Cards Links

Credit-Cards Tip Book
About Student Credit Cards
Learn to use credit cards responsibly with a student credit card
Learn how to read your student credit card statement
Pay your student credit card bill on time
Read the fine print on your student credit card contract
Protect yourself from identity theft when applying for a student credit card
Airline Miles Credit Cards
Get more up front from your frequent flyer credit card
Receive double airline miles with your purchases
Make eating out count
Unlimited miles
Use airling miles for your employee incentive program
Apply online and earn more rewards
Travel accident insurance and your credit card
Companion certificates and special rates
Caution When Using Airline Miles Credit Cards
Bad Credit-Credit Cards
Free online access and bill pay
Rebuild less than perfect credit with the right credit card for you
User fees with bad credit credit cards
Quickly boost a low credit score with a credit card for bad credit
Credit limit increases with a credit card for bad credit
When to get a secured line of credit
Balance Transfers
A balance transfer can reduce your interest payments
Balance transfers with 0% interest
Avoid balance transfer fees
Maintain the introductory interest rate as long as you can
Balance transfer checks
Consolidate debt with a balance transfer
Make your credit card consolidation an opportunity for reform
Business/Co. Credit Cards
Build your business credit rating with a company credit card
Rewards with business credit cards
Use a business credit card for your new business
Simplify business accounting with a business credit card
Use your business credit card to get discounts
Choosing Credit Card Offers
How to get a credit card if you're unemployed or receive irregular income
Avoid credit card offers that charge fees upfront
Compare credit card offers online
Pay attention to interest rates that apply after the introductory rate expires
Use an online credit card matching service
College/University Credit Cards
No annual fees and college credit cards
0% introductory rate for college students
Build your credit history early in life
Charge smart
Use a college credit card to help buy a car
Earn cash back for everyday purchases with a college credit card
Credit Card Comparison Guide
Comparing interest rates
Comparing credit card fees
Comparing rewards
Worldwide acceptability
Credit cards and discounts
Credit card comparisons
Find out how your credit card calculates finance charges
The average daily balance finance charge
The daily balance finance charge
The two-cycle finance charge
The previous balance finance charge
Grace periods
Credit Card Fraud Protection Advice
Prevent credit card fraud with a single use credit card number
Zero liability credit card fraud protection
Quickly react to suspicions of credit card fraud
Monitor credit reports for credit card fraud
Filing a discrepency with the credit bureaus
Preventing credit card fraud and stolen identity
Destroy unwanted mail credit card offers
Credit Card Services.
24-hour account access by phone
The Fair Credit Billing Act
Treat yourself with a cash back credit card
Credit Card Rewards with a Debit Card
Making the minimum monthly payments
Change your credit card payment due date
Gas Credit Cards.
Applying for a gas credit card
Gas credit card advantages
The convenience of a gas credit card speedpass
Manage expenses with a gas credit card
Reap the rewards with a gas rebate credit card
Use a gas credit card for purchases other than gas
Help With Credit Card Applications
Limit the number of credit card applications you fill out at a time
The fine print is a big deal
Make sure your credit card application is secure
Joint credit cards for spouses
Request additional cards with your credit card application
Credit card account insurance
Work swiftly to avoid having your credit card application time out
Gather personal information before filling out a credit card application
Instant Approval Credit Cards.
Instant approval
Questions to consider before accepting instant credit card approval
Instant credit card approvals online
Instant credit card approvals over the phone
Learn About Low Interest Credit Cards
Hold out for a low interest credit card
0% interest rate time limitations
0% interest rate terms and conditions
Another reason to pay all your credit card bills on time
Reduce the interest rate on your credit card
My low interest rate disappeared, now what do I do?
Online Credit Cards.
Credit cards from online banks
Apply online for a credit card
Prepaid Credit Cards.
Prepaid credit cards
How to shop for a prepaid credit card
No interest charges or late fees with a prepaid credit card
Prepaid debit cards and prepaid credit cards
Give a pre paid credit card as a gift
Credit-Cards Newsletter Archive
Credit card account insurance
The fine print is a big deal
Request additional cards with your credit card application
Work swiftly to avoid having your credit card application time out
The daily balance finance charge
The average daily balance finance charge
Credit cards and discounts
Comparing credit card fees
Comparing rewards
Credit card comparisons
Find out how your credit card calculates finance charges
Grace periods
The previous balance finance charge
Use an online credit card matching service
Filing a discrepency with the credit bureaus
Monitor credit reports for credit card fraud
Prevent credit card fraud with a single use credit card number
Preventing credit card fraud and stolen identity
Quickly react to suspicions of credit card fraud
Zero liability credit card fraud protection
Pay attention to interest rates that apply after the introductory rate expires
Rebuild less than perfect credit with the right credit card for you
Unlimited miles
Gas credit card advantages
Manage expenses with a gas credit card
The convenience of a gas credit card speedpass
Use a gas credit card for purchases other than gas
Instant credit card approvals online
Instant credit card approvals over the phone
Questions to consider before accepting instant credit card approval
24-hour account access by phone
How to get a credit card if you're unemployed or receive irregular income
Gather personal information before filling out a credit card application
Destroy unwanted mail credit card offers
Limit the number of credit card applications you fill out at a time
Making the minimum monthly payments
Change your credit card payment due date
Hold out for a low interest credit card
Another reason to pay all your credit card bills on time
Reduce the interest rate on your credit card
Credit cards from online banks
Use a business credit card for your new business
Worldwide acceptability
Comparing interest rates
Joint credit cards for spouses
Apply online and earn more rewards
Use airling miles for your employee incentive program
Receive double airline miles with your purchases
Charge smart
Earn cash back for everyday purchases with a college credit card
Treat yourself with a cash back credit card
Credit Card Rewards with a Debit Card
Protect yourself from identity theft when applying for a student credit card
My low interest rate disappeared, now what do I do?
Applying for a gas credit card
Reap the rewards with a gas rebate credit card
Balance transfer checks
Maintain the introductory interest rate as long as you can
Make eating out count
When to get a secured line of credit
Learn how to read your student credit card statement
Read the fine print on your student credit card contract
Make sure your credit card application is secure
Instant approval
Prepaid credit cards
Give a pre paid credit card as a gift
User fees with bad credit credit cards
A balance transfer can reduce your interest payments
Make your credit card consolidation an opportunity for reform
Rewards with business credit cards
0% introductory rate for college students
Build your credit history early in life
The two-cycle finance charge
Avoid credit card offers that charge fees upfront
The Fair Credit Billing Act
0% interest rate terms and conditions
0% interest rate time limitations
Apply online for a credit card
How to shop for a prepaid credit card
No interest charges or late fees with a prepaid credit card
Learn to use credit cards responsibly with a student credit card
Pay your student credit card bill on time
Travel accident insurance and your credit card
Get more up front from your frequent flyer credit card
Companion certificates and special rates
Quickly boost a low credit score with a credit card for bad credit
Credit limit increases with a credit card for bad credit
Free online access and bill pay
Avoid balance transfer fees
Balance transfers with 0% interest
Consolidate debt with a balance transfer
Simplify business accounting with a business credit card
Build your business credit rating with a company credit card
Use your business credit card to get discounts
No annual fees and college credit cards
Use a college credit card to help buy a car
Credit card account insurance
The fine print is a big deal
Request additional cards with your credit card application
Work swiftly to avoid having your credit card application time out
The daily balance finance charge
The average daily balance finance charge
Credit cards and discounts
Comparing credit card fees
Comparing rewards
Credit card comparisons
Find out how your credit card calculates finance charges
Grace periods
The previous balance finance charge
Use an online credit card matching service
Monitor credit reports for credit card fraud
Prevent credit card fraud with a single use credit card number
Preventing credit card fraud and stolen identity
Quickly react to suspicions of credit card fraud
Zero liability credit card fraud protection
Pay attention to interest rates that apply after the introductory rate expires
Rebuild less than perfect credit with the right credit card for you
Unlimited miles
Gas credit card advantages
Manage expenses with a gas credit card
The convenience of a gas credit card speedpass
Use a gas credit card for purchases other than gas
Instant credit card approvals online
Instant credit card approvals over the phone
Questions to consider before accepting instant credit card approval
24-hour account access by phone
How to get a credit card if you're unemployed or receive irregular income
Gather personal information before filling out a credit card application
Destroy unwanted mail credit card offers
Limit the number of credit card applications you fill out at a time
Making the minimum monthly payments
Change your credit card payment due date
Low Interest Credit Cards Do Exist
Maintain a Low Interest Rate for the Life of the Card
Possible Ways to Reduce a High Interest Rate to a Low Interest Rate
Online Credit Cards a Plenty
Credit-Cards Frequently Asked Questions
How to earn immediate airline miles from an airline miles credit card?
How to earn airline miles with an airline miles credit card?
"How to maximize an airline mile reward credit card when dining out?
How to earn as many airline miles as possible to reach a destination goal?
How does a business use frequent flyer miles earned on company credit cards as an employee incentive?
How to earn additional miles by applying for an airline miles credit card online?
How to travel safe and secure using a frequent flyer credit card?
Why take a trip alone when a companion ticket is available at a low price?
How to reduce or get rid of an interest rate with a balance transfer?
How a 0% balance transfer offer works?
How to avoid balance transfer fees?
How to maintain the balance transfer rate?
How to transfer balances from non-major credit cards and other accounts?
How to use a balance transfer card to consolidate debt and get organized?
How to perform balance transfers responsibly?
What are some benefits to getting a business credit card?
How can I make business purchasing more efficient?
How can using business credit cards help my business?
Can using a business credit card help my accounting?
What kind of rewards can I get from using a business credit card?
How to rebuild credit with a bad credit credit card?
How credit cards for people with bad credit protect themselves and the consumer?
How does a bad credit credit card boost a credit rating from month to month?
How to earn a credit limit increase with a bad credit credit card?
How to manage a bad credit credit card online?
How to access credit card information without the Internet?
How people with bad credit can obtain a major line of credit without putting cash down?
What bad credit credit cards are available without income requirements and employment verification?
How to apply for a no annual fee college student credit card?
How college students can get a 0% introductory rate credit card?
How to start building credit as a college student?
How to avoid the overcharging syndrome?
How to earn rebates toward purchasing a new or used car?
How to earn cash back using college credit cards?
How to save time by getting information organized before filling out an online credit card application?
How to avoid surprises later once the credit card application has been approved?
How to transmit information over the Internet securely when using an online credit card application?
How to apply for a personal or a joint account on credit card applications?
How to request additional cards with an online credit card application without making it a joint account?
How to apply for credit card account insurance with a credit card application?
Why an applicant needs to work swiftly to fill out an online credit card application?
How to protect personal information and prevent credit card fraud with credit card offers in the mail?
How to choose credit card offers wisely?
How to get the most out of a credit card offer?
How to get the best credit card deals without high interest rates?
How to see what credit card offers are available with a particular credit rating?
How to submit credit card applications responsibly?
What to look for when comparing credit card interest rates?
What to look for when comparing credit card fees?
What to look for when comparing credit card rewards?
What credit cards are accepted the most?
What credit cards have better discounts than others?
What is the best way to compare credit cards?
How does the credit card finance charge work?
How the average daily balance finance charge works?
How the daily balance finance charge works?
How does a two-cycle balance finance charge work?
How does a previous balance finance charge work?
How to take advantage of the natural grace period on a credit card?
How paying the minimum payment on a credit card can cost more in the long run?
How to make the payment due dates for the credit cards work for the consumer?
How to apply for a gas credit card?
What is the advantage to having a gas credit card?
How the Speedpass is convenient to use?
How to use a gas credit card to manage household and business expenses?
How gas rebate credit cards reward the consumer?
What questions should the applicant ask before accepting the credit card instant approval?
How to get instant online approval credit cards?
How to get an instant credit card approval over the phone?
How to find a low interest credit card?
How long does a 0% interest rate apply to a credit card?
How does the 0% interest rate really work?
How to keep the low interest rate that originally came with the card?
How to try to reduce a high interest rate to a low one?
How to manage interest rate disasters?
How to find the best Internet credit card?
How to get the most out of an online credit card application?
How to dispute a product purchase if made with a credit card?
How to maximize the benefits of cash back credit cards?
How banks are beginning to offer rewards with their debit cards?
How to apply for a student credit card and be smart about it?
How to read a credit card statement?
How to be responsible when making credit card payments?
How to stay informed about the student credit card terms?
How student’s can help prevent becoming victims of identity theft?
How single use credit cards or virtual credit card numbers can prevent credit card fraud?
What is zero liability credit card fraud protection?
What to do after making a fraudulent claim on an account?
How to monitor all credit reports to prevent credit card fraud?
How to file a discrepancy with the credit bureaus?
How to help prevent credit card fraud or a case of stolen identity?
How to gain access to a major credit card even with terrible credit?
How to get a pre paid credit card?
How consumers avoid interest charges and late fees with a prepaid credit card?
Is there a difference between a prepaid debit card and a prepaid credit card?
Why buy a gift card when a pre paid credit card will do just fine?
What are the additional ways to use a gas credit card?
What is an instant approval?
How can I immediately earn miles on my frequent flyer credit card?
What is the quickest way to earn bonus miles on my frequent flyer credit cards?
Is there a credit card that will reward me with airline miles for eating out?
Is there a limit to the amount of miles I can earn with my airline miles credit card?
Can I share airline miles with my employees?
Are there any benefits to applying online for a frequent flyer credit card?
What other travel benefits do I get with my airline miles card?
Can my friends benefit from my airline miles credit card?
What is credit card consolidation?
What should I look for when doing a balance transfer to a 0% interest rate credit card?
How do I avoid balance transfer fees?
Do my other credit accounts affect my balance transfer credit card rate?
What can I use those credit card checks for?
How can I lower my monthly credit card payments on my high interest credit cards?
Can I use my high interest credit cards after I've consolidated to a balance transfer card?
Why should I get a credit card for my business?
How can using business credit cards help my business from the start?
How can a business card make it easier to track my business expenses?
Is there a credit card for people with bad credit?
Are there fees for bad credit credit cards?
Should I increase my credit limit on my bad credit credit card?
Do I have to pay a fee to manage my bad credit credit card account online?
How do I access credit card information without the Internet?
What is a secured credit card?
Is there a credit card offer that doesn't require employment information?
What fees should I watch out for with my college student credit card?
What is the benefit of a 0% introductory rate on a college student credit card?
How can I start building credit as a college student?
How can I use my new college credit cards wisely?
Can a student credit card help me buy a car?
How can I earn money with my college student credit card?
How can I speed up the credit card application process?
Do I really have to read the fine print?
How can I be sure my online credit card application is secure?
What are the benefits of having a joint credit card?
Why should I request extra credit cards with my credit card application?
What does credit card insurance do for me?
Why does my online credit card application keep logging me out?
What should I do with unwanted credit card offers?
Should I go with a credit card offer that charges a startup fee?
What is the best way to shop for a credit card deal?
What should I look for in a 0% interest credit card deal?
What is a credit card matching service?
Is it ok to fill out a lot of credit card applications at the same time?
Why is it important to look at interest rates when comparing credit cards?
What credit card fees can I avoid?
What kinds of credit card rewards programs are there?
What credit cards are best for travellers?
Why should I look into credit card discount offers?
How do credit card companies calculate finance charges?
What does it mean when my finance charges are based on an average daily balance?
How does daily balance finance charge works?
What is the two-cycle method for calculating finance charges?
How can I take advantage of the grace period on my credit card account?
Why shouldn't I just pay the minimum payment each month on my credit card?
Can I change my credit card payment due date?
How can I earn rewards and cash for buying gas?
What is an easy way to keep track of my car expenses?
How can I make my gas station purchases more quickly?
How can I pay less for gas?
How does an instant approval credit card work?
What questions should I ask before accepting an instant approval credit card?
Why should I look for an instant approval credit card online?
How can I get more personal care when applying for a credit card?
Are there credit cards that have low interest rates?
Are there exceptions to the 0% interest rate on my new credit card?
What should I know about keeping my low interest credit card at it's great rate?
How can I quickly lower my credit card interest rate?
What do I do when my interest rate is increased?
What do I do if there's a charge on my credit card bill that is wrong?
What should I do with my cash back credit card award?
What should I look for in my first student credit card?
What should I look for on my student credit card statement?
Is it a big deal if I'm a little late with my student credit card payment?
How can I avoid identity theft as a student?
How can I prevent information credit card theft with my online purchases?
How can zero liability credit card fraud protection help me?
What should I do if I suspect credit card fraud?
How can viewing my credit reports alert me to possible credit card fraud?
What steps should I take to prevent credit card fraud?
How can I have access to a major credit card even if I have bad credit?
What should I look for in a prepaid credit card?
Which credit card should I get if I want to avoid all interest fees?
How can I give a great gift to someone with totally different taste than me?
Are there credit cards for online shoppers?
Why should I consider an online credit card application?
Is earning airline miles on credit cards a good deal?

Not finding the advice and tips you need on this Credit-Cards Tip Site? Request a Tip Now!

Guru Spotlight
Susan Sayour