For more personal care from your instant approval credit card company, apply for the credit card over the phone. Be ready with a list of questions to ask the agent that will be handling your application. The agent will lead you through the application process, asking you for the relevant information and filling out the application for you. The agent will also inform you about any introductory offers or rewards programs that are affiliated with your instant approval credit card. Your credit score will be checked and you will know within minutes whether your application has been approved. Find the number to call to speak with a customer service agent on your istant approval credit card application that comes in the mail, or by searching online for the credit card company that you prefer.
The best way to take advantage of an instant approval credit cards over the phone is to contact the credit card company directly through their 800 number. The number can be found online by conducting a search or from a direct mail offer. The phone application will be filled in by a customer service representative and is usually recorded to protect the applicant from the illegal use of their personal information. Any special offers will be discussed during the phone application process and the applicant should have a list of questions ready for the representative at that time. This is especially important if the applicant does not have a brochure that reveals the details of how the account works and any fees applied. Once the approval has been processed, all the applicant needs to do is wait for the card to arrive by mail for activation.
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